Get real exception type that is contained in AggregateException

You need to use InnerException or InnerExceptions, depending on your situation:

if (x.InnerException is TaskCanceledException)
    // ...

The above will work if you know you only have one exception; however, if you have multiple, then you want to do something with all of them:

var sb = new StringBuilder();

foreach (var inner in x.InnerExceptions)


You can get the list of exceptions, or use the first one if there is just one:

var first = agg.InnerException; // just the first

foreach (Exception ex in agg.InnerExceptions) // iterate over all
    // do something with each and every one

Another possible solution

    // the logic
catch (AggregateException e) when (e.InnerException is TaskCancelationException castedException)
    // here castedException is of type TaskCancelationException