Get size of specific repository in Nexus 3

You can use admin task with groovy script nx-blob-repo-space-report.groovy from - for me turned out too slow

Or you can get it from database:

  1. login with user-owner nexus installation on nexus server (e.g. nexus)

  2. go to application directory (e.g. /opt/nexus):

    $ cd /opt/nexus

  3. run java orient console:

    $ java -jar ./lib/support/nexus-orient-console.jar

  4. connect to local database (e.g. /opt/sonatype-work/nexus3/db/component):

    > CONNECT PLOCAL:/opt/sonatype-work/nexus3/db/component admin admin

  5. find out repository row id in @RID column by repository_name value:

    > select * from bucket limit 50;

  6. get sum for all assets with repo row id found in the previous step:

    > select sum(size) from asset where bucket = #15:9;

result should be like (apparently in bytes):
+----+------------+ |# |sum | +----+------------+ |0 |224981921470| +----+------------+

nexus database connection steps took from

another useful queries

summary size by repository name (instead 5 and 6 steps):

> select sum(size) from asset where bucket.repository_name = 'releases';

top 10 repositories by size:

> select bucket.repository_name as repository,sum(size) as bytes from asset group by bucket.repository_name order by bytes desc limit 10;

Assign each repository to its own Blob Store.

enter image description here


