Get stack trace of Exception through spring rest template

I need the whole stack trace of it in Service 1. How to get it ?

So there are ways to get it , in essence you have to implement. You can get your relevant exception message/trace in JSON response from Service 2 . That is , when there is any exception at Service 2 end then , we can configure response to send relevant exception information.

In this post there are 3 answers explaining different ways to achieve, also this one. Now on :

Does the stack trace even get passed to Service 1 by Spring ?

Normally any unhandled/runtime exception thrown when processing a web-request causes the server to return an HTTP 500 response.

So the answer is spring does not transfer the stack trace to Service 1 rather respond with error HTTP 500 and the most likely message of your exception.

However, any exception that you write yourself can be annotated with the @ResponseStatus annotation (which supports all the HTTP status codes defined by the HTTP specification).

When an annotated exception is thrown from a controller method, and not handled elsewhere, it will automatically cause the appropriate HTTP response to be returned with the specified status-code and with the message/trace written. For example,

@ResponseStatus(value=HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, reason="No such Account")  // 404
public class AddressNotFoundException extends RuntimeException {
    // ...

And here is a controller method using it:

@RequestMapping(value="/account/{id}", method=GET)
public String showOrder(@PathVariable("id") long id, Model model) {
    Account account = accountServices.findAccountById(id);

    if (account == null) throw new AddressNotFoundException(id);
    return "accountDetail";

A familiar HTTP 404 response will be returned if the URL handled by this method includes an unknown account id.

Hope this helps.

To summarize a straight-forward approach it is not much more than adding Spring Boot's Zipkin and Sleuth starters into your pom.xmls to enable log tracing in both directions between multiple apps…


…and configure your log pattern in your to reflect the SpanIds and TraceIds which Sleuth injected in your requests…

logging.pattern.level=[%X{X-B3-TraceId}/%X{X-B3-SpanId}] %-5p [%t] %C{2} - %m%n

You can also compare your own progress with a running example on Openzipkin's Github account.

Maybe you could give it a try and show us your experiences and progress with it!