Get Stored Procedure Result Column Types

You should be able to use the new system stored procedure sp_describe_first_result_set for that - see the MSDN docs for details:

EXEC sp_describe_first_result_set N'YourStoredProcedureNameHere'

Specifically for objects, there is a DMV called sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set_for_object which will describe the first result set if SQL Server can figure out what it should be (dynamic SQL, for example won't return a valid result).

Specifically for T-SQL or batch related items there is a different DMV and accompanied system stored procedure. The DMV is sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set and the stored procedure that parallels the dmv is sp_describe_first_result_set.

If you use Openquery to insert the results of the stored procedure into a temp table, you can query the columns for the temp table.

Note, you cannot use a @variable in Openquery, so you will need to run it through dynamic sql and an exec. The problem with that is now the temp table doesn't exist outside the dynamic query. But, if you put your temp table into a global query you can still access it. Then just query the system tables for the column info as you normally would.

    Create PROCEDURE TheProcedure                   
        select 1 id,                
            'textstring' textstring,            
            convert(bit, 'true') boolean            


    drop table ##test                   

    declare @query varchar(255)                 
    select @query =             'select * ' 
    select @query = @query +    'into ##test '              
    select @query = @query +    'from Openquery([' + @@SERVERNAME + '], ''exec misdb.dbo.TheProcedure'') '              


    select columnName,                  dataType             
    from tempdb.Sys.columns AC                  
    join tempdb.sys.types T                 
        on AC.system_type_id = T.system_type_id             
    where object_id = object_id('tempdb.dbo.##test')
    order by AC.column_id

columnName  dataType
----------  --------
id          int
textstring  varchar
boolean     bit