get text in selenium code example
Example 1: get text selenium
add ".text" to the end of the finding element function, so for example,
to get the text from something like :
browser.find_element_by_xpath('Insert xpath')
you do:
browser.find_element_by_xpath('Insert xpath').text
Example 2: get text vs get attribute in selenium
differences between getText() vs getAttribute("attribute");
-> getText();
-> returns the TEXT of the given web element.
-> return type is STRING
-> it does not accept any arguments.
-> it will return the text that is in between the opening tag and
the closing tag.
EX: <a href=""> FACEBOOK </a>
-> What will getText() method return?
- return -> FACEBOOK
-> getAttribute("attribute");
- It will return the value of given attribute
- Return type is STRING
- It accepts a String arg
EX: <a href="" class="om56"> FACEBOOK </a>
-> webelement.getAttribute("href") -->
-> webelement.getAttribute("class") --> om56
-> This method will return the value of given CSS attribute: such as,
font-size, font-style, color etc...