Get the expansion of an alias (in both bash and zsh)

In zsh, you can just use

get_alias() {
  printf '%s\n' $aliases[$1]

With bash (assuming it's not in POSIX mode in which case its alias would give an output similar to zsh's), you could do:

get_alias() (
  eval '
    alias() { printf "%s\n" "${1#*=}"; }'"
    $(alias -- "$1")"

Basically, we evaluate the output of alias after having redefined alias as a function that prints what's on the right of the first = in its first argument.

You could use a similar approach for something compatible with most POSIX shells, zsh and bash:

get_alias() {
  eval "set -- $(alias -- "$1")"
  eval 'printf "%s\n" "${'"$#"'#*=}"'

Based on Stéphane Chazelas' answer, I came up with:

function alias_expand {
  if [[ $ZSH_VERSION ]]; then
    # shellcheck disable=2154  # aliases referenced but not assigned
    [ ${aliases[$1]+x} ] && printf '%s\n' "${aliases[$1]}" && return
  else  # bash
    [ "${BASH_ALIASES[$1]+x}" ] && printf '%s\n' "${BASH_ALIASES[$1]}" && return
  false  # Error: alias not defined

(with bash 4.0 or newer).