Get the last item from node list without using .length
Since NodeList doesn't have a pop method.
Using the spread syntax in a new array, then pop()
to get the last element.
This basically copy the Nodelist as a regular array, thus the pop()
and other array methods become available.
// Last elem with pop()
// 2nd elem
// By index :) just in case
<div>The sun</div>
depending on circumstances this may work: document.querySelector('#divConfirm table tr:last-of-type')
There's at least one way
var els = document.querySelectorAll('#divConfirm table')[1].querySelectorAll('tr');
var last = [];
but, the following statement
But if I do not know the length prior to running the script
makes no sense, you already have the collection of elements, so you would always know the length
var els = document.querySelectorAll('#divConfirm table')[1].querySelectorAll('tr');
var last = els[els.length - 1];
Another option as the8472's answer suggests would be
document.querySelector('#divConfirm table:nth-child(2) tr:last-child');