Get .tld from URL via PHP

If you want extract host from string, usage of parse_url() is acceptable solution for you.

But if you want extract domain or its parts, you need package that using Public Suffix List. Yes, you can use string functions around parse_url(), but it will produce incorrect results with two level TLDs.

I recommend TLDExtract [note: library has been deprecated in favour of the similar PHP Domain Parser] for domain parsing, here is sample code that show diff:

$extract = new LayerShifter\TLDExtract\Extract();

# For ''

$url = '';

parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST); // will return
end(explode(".", parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST))); // will return com

$result = $extract->parse($url);
$result->getFullHost(); // will return ''
$result->getRegistrableDomain(); // will return ''
$result->getSuffix(); // will return 'com'

# For ''

$url = '';

parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST); // will return ''
end(explode(".", parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST))); // will return uk, not

$result = $extract->parse($url);
$result->getFullHost(); // will return ''
$result->getRegistrableDomain(); // will return ''
$result->getSuffix(); // will return ''

Use parse_url() function to get host part of the url then explode by . and get last element of an array

Example below:

$url = '';
echo end(explode(".", parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST))); // echos "com"

Before that it would be nice to check if $url is actual URL with filter_var for example


$url =  'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; 
echo end(explode(".", parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST))); 
// echos "com"

The accepted answer doesn't work on for example. If your url's all have the same sub-domain OR no sub-domain at all, you can do something like this.

$urls = array(
$subdomain = 'www.';
foreach($urls as $url){
    $host = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
    $host = str_ireplace($subdomain,'',$host);
    $tld = strstr($host, '.');
    echo "$tld | ";

OUTPUT: .com | .com | .audio | |

Short answer

$extension = pathinfo($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);



