Get week of month with Joda-Time

Current joda-time version doesn't support week of month, so you should use some workaround.
1) For example, you can use next method:

   static DateTimeFormatter FORMATTER = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM_'%d'");
   static String printDate(DateTime date)
      final String baseFormat = FORMATTER.print(date); // 2014-06_%d 
      final int weekOfMonth = date.getDayOfMonth() % 7;
      return String.format(baseFormat, weekOfMonth);


DateTime dt = new DateTime();
String dateAsString = printDate(dt);  

2) You can use Java 8, because Java's API supports week of month field.

  java.time.LocalDateTime date =;
  DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM_W");

This option in Joda is probably nicer:

Weeks.weeksBetween(date, date.withDayOfMonth(1)).getWeeks() + 1