Get whole language file array

Lets say, a language file: lang/en/countries.php

return [
 'afg' => 'Afghanistan',
 'ala' => 'Aland',
 'alb' => 'Albania',
 'dza' => 'Algeria',
 'asm' => 'American Samoa'

Retrieving lines from the language file with Lang::get() method

$array = Lang::get('countries'); // return entire array
$text  = Lang::get('countries.afg'); // return single item

for Laravel 5.0 & above, You may also use the trans helper function, which is an alias for the Lang::get() method.

$array = trans('countries'); // return entire array
$text = trans('countries.afg'); // return single item

Find out more on Laravel docs...

You can get the entire array with Lang::get().

$array = Lang::get('pagination'); // return entire array
$text  = Lang::get(''); // return single item

Here's how yo can load them:

Route::get('test', function() 
    $a = File::getRequire(base_path().'/app/lang/en/pagination.php');

    foreach($a as $key => $value)
        echo "$key => $value<br>";

If you need to load them all, you can use:

$languages = File::directories(base_path().'/app/lang/');

I had to find a way to create an language import command in my Glottos package: