Getting a link to go to a specific section on another page

To navigate to a section of another page use:

<a href="example.html#example-section>name-of-link</a>

The example.html would be the page you want to go to, and the #example-section would be the name of the id on that page that you want to navigate to.

I believe the example you've posted is using HTML5, which allows you to jump to any DOM element with the matching ID attribute. To support older browsers, you'll need to change:

<div id="timeline" name="timeline" ...>

To the old format:

<a name="timeline" />

You'll then be able to navigate to /academics/page.html#timeline and jump right to that section.

Also, check out this similar question.

You can simply use

 <a href="directry/filename.html#section5" >click me</a>

to link to a section/id of another page by