Getting ArtifactId and Version in Spring Boot Starter

The other answer is completely correct. Just for others finding this question in case you are using Gradle instead of Maven:

Generating build info is as simple as adding this to your build.gradle file:

plugins {
    id 'org.springframework.boot' version '<your-boot-version>.RELEASE'

// ...    

springBoot {

And if you want to pass custom properties:

springBoot {
    buildInfo {
        properties {
            additional = [
                '': 'property value',
                '': 'different.value'

Then the usage in Java code is the same using BuildProperties. You can find more info about the plugin in this guide.

After a lot of effort, I found a surprisingly simple answer. This is how spring-boot-actuator gets the information.

The Spring Boot Maven plugin comes equipped with a build-info goal. As long as this goal is triggered in the main project Spring has a BuildProperties class you can wire in for the information.


You can access the properties in your starter like:

BuildProperties buildProperties;


You can even specify additional properties from the plugin. See the plugin documentation for more details:

Unfortunately I never quite got to fully understand why I could not access the correct manifest, but this should help anyone else trying to solve this problem.