Getting back to side bar after detaching layer panel in QGIS?

Just double click on the layer panel window title (applies to QGIS 2 and 3).

Double-clicking the title bar of floating windows on MacOS will maximize the floating window instead of docking it. I tried dragging the floating window to the approximate location of where the panel was docked but it didn't work. I restarted QGIS 3.6 and dragging the window appears to work again, and other panels will "slide" out of the way to make room for dropping the floating panel.

Dropping a floating panel window into the sidebar in QGIS

Inability to dock floating "Layers" panel is still a bug in QGIS 3.10-5 (LTR) on Windows 10 1909. However, as others have suggested restarting QGIS then immediately double-clicking the "Layers" title bar successfully docked it for me.

This is reported as 2 related bugs in the QGIS GitHub issues page here:

  • (Feb-Sept 2019)
  • (May 2019)

