Getting coordinates from geometry in PostGIS?

Use ST_AsText to view the point object:

SELECT ST_AsText(the_geom) 
       FROM myTable;

To view X, Y, and the geom object:

SELECT ST_X(the_geom), ST_Y(the_geom), ST_AsText(the_geom) 
       FROM myTable;

In addition to ST_AsText (which returns geometry as WKT / Well Known Text), there are several additional output formats, like ST_AsGeoJSON().

Take a look in and choose, what fits your needs best.

With a table in UTM

ST_X(table.geometry) AS X1, --point x
ST_Y(table.geometry) AS Y1, --point y
ST_X(ST_TRANSFORM(table.geometry,4674)) AS LONG, -- longitude point x SIRGAS 2000
ST_Y(ST_TRANSFORM(table.geometry,4674)) AS LAT, --latitude point y SIRGAS 2000
ST_ASTEXT(table.geometry) AS XY, --wkt point xy
ST_ASTEXT(ST_TRANSFORM(table.geometry,4674)) AS LongLat --using st_transform to get wkt with longitude and latitude (4674 is the SIRGAS 2000 SRC by south america)