Getting Error - Cannot find name 'angular'

Using AngularJS 1.x and TypeScript 2.x, I solved this issue by running:

npm install --save-dev @types/angular

and then include the following line on top of the .ts file:

import * as angular from "angular";

Reference: The Future of Declaration Files

You need to include angular.t.ds file in the library

For me inside of VisualStudio I used part of Augusto's suggested answer and simply did:

npm install --save @types/angular

and it worked like a charm.

You could simplistically tell the compiler to stop worrying by telling it that "you know all about angular":

declare var angular: any;

To get all the good tooling and type checking, you need to pull in the Angular type definition so the compiler knows what is available.

The type definitions are available via NuGet if you are using Visual Studio or various other methods for your favourite IDE.