Getting Http Response from boto3 table.batch_writer object

The documents for the BatchWriter object instantiated by batch_writer are located (<3 Open Source) here. Looking at the BatchWriter class, the _flush method generates a response, it just doesn't store it anywhere.

class BatchWriter(object):
    """Automatically handle batch writes to DynamoDB for a single table."""
    def __init__(self, table_name, client, flush_amount=25,
        :type table_name: str
        :param table_name: The name of the table.  The class handles
            batch writes to a single table.
        :type client: ``botocore.client.Client``
        :param client: A botocore client.  Note this client
            **must** have the dynamodb customizations applied
            to it for transforming AttributeValues into the
            wire protocol.  What this means in practice is that
            you need to use a client that comes from a DynamoDB
            resource if you're going to instantiate this class
            directly, i.e
        :type flush_amount: int
        :param flush_amount: The number of items to keep in
            a local buffer before sending a batch_write_item
            request to DynamoDB.
        :type overwrite_by_pkeys: list(string)
        :param overwrite_by_pkeys: De-duplicate request items in buffer
            if match new request item on specified primary keys. i.e
            ``["partition_key1", "sort_key2", "sort_key3"]``
        self._table_name = table_name
        self._client = client
        self._items_buffer = []
        self._flush_amount = flush_amount
        self._overwrite_by_pkeys = overwrite_by_pkeys

    def put_item(self, Item):
        self._add_request_and_process({'PutRequest': {'Item': Item}})

    def delete_item(self, Key):
        self._add_request_and_process({'DeleteRequest': {'Key': Key}})

    def _add_request_and_process(self, request):
        if self._overwrite_by_pkeys:

    def _remove_dup_pkeys_request_if_any(self, request):
        pkey_values_new = self._extract_pkey_values(request)
        for item in self._items_buffer:
            if self._extract_pkey_values(item) == pkey_values_new:
                logger.debug("With overwrite_by_pkeys enabled, skipping "
                             "request:%s", item)

    def _extract_pkey_values(self, request):
        if request.get('PutRequest'):
            return [request['PutRequest']['Item'][key]
                    for key in self._overwrite_by_pkeys]
        elif request.get('DeleteRequest'):
            return [request['DeleteRequest']['Key'][key]
                    for key in self._overwrite_by_pkeys]
        return None

    def _flush_if_needed(self):
        if len(self._items_buffer) >= self._flush_amount:

    def _flush(self):
        items_to_send = self._items_buffer[:self._flush_amount]
        self._items_buffer = self._items_buffer[self._flush_amount:]
        response = self._client.batch_write_item(
            RequestItems={self._table_name: items_to_send})
        unprocessed_items = response['UnprocessedItems']

        if unprocessed_items and unprocessed_items[self._table_name]:
            # Any unprocessed_items are immediately added to the
            # next batch we send.
            self._items_buffer = []
        logger.debug("Batch write sent %s, unprocessed: %s",
                     len(items_to_send), len(self._items_buffer))

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb):
        # When we exit, we need to keep flushing whatever's left
        # until there's nothing left in our items buffer.
        while self._items_buffer:

How I solved it:

I built on the responses to this question about overwriting class methods. They all work, but the best for my use case was to overwrite the class instance with this version of _flush.

First I built a new version of _flush.

import logging
import types

## New Flush

def _flush(self):
    items_to_send = self._items_buffer[:self._flush_amount]
    self._items_buffer = self._items_buffer[self._flush_amount:]
    self._response = self._client.batch_write_item(
        RequestItems={self._table_name: items_to_send})
    unprocessed_items = self._response['UnprocessedItems']

    if unprocessed_items and unprocessed_items[self._table_name]:
        # Any unprocessed_items are immediately added to the
        # next batch we send.
        self._items_buffer = []
    logger.debug("Batch write sent %s, unprocessed: %s",
                 len(items_to_send), len(self._items_buffer))

Then I overwrote the instance method like this.

with batch_writer() as batch:
    batch._flush=types.MethodType(_flush, batch)
    for item in items:

And this generates an output like this.

{'UnprocessedItems': {},
 'ResponseMetadata': {'RequestId': '853HSV0ULO4BN71R6T895J991VVV4KQNSO5AEMVJF66Q9ASUAAJ',
  'HTTPStatusCode': 200,
  'HTTPHeaders': {'server': 'Server',
   'date': 'Fri, 29 Mar 2019 18:29:49 GMT',
   'content-type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.0',
   'content-length': '23',
   'connection': 'keep-alive',
   'x-amzn-requestid': '853HSV0ULO4BN71R6T895J991VVV4KQNSO5AEMVJF66Q9ASUAAJ',
   'x-amz-crc32': '4185382645'},
  'RetryAttempts': 0}}

There doesn't appear to be any built-in way to do this. The _flush method on BatchWriter does log a debug message when it finishes a batch, though. If you just want to see what's happening, you could enable debug logging before your put_item loop:

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('boto3.dynamodb.table')

If you want to take some action instead you could create a custom logging.Handler, something like this:

import logging
import sys

class CatchBatchWrites(logging.Handler):
    def handle(self, record):
        if record.msg.startswith('Batch write sent'):
            processed, unprocessed = record.args
            # do something with these numbers

logger = logging.getLogger('boto3.dynamodb.table')
logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # still necessary