Getting No provider for NgControl Error after adding ReactiveFormsModule to my angular 4 app

Should be

<select [(ngModel)]="currencies" (ngModelChange)="showPurchase($event)" class="annka-center" name="curencies">
       <option *ngFor="let money of currencies; let i = index" (ngValue)="money" (click)="showPurchase(money)"> {{money.Currency}} </option>

Also make sure you import FormsModule inside the app.module.ts under imports

import { FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

        imports: [

I too got this error because I forgot to add the formControlName directive to my form control in the template, by which I mean:

<input formControlName="firstName" />

I got this error because i forgot to add [(ngModel)] on my input element.

<input [(ngModel)]="firstName/>

