Getting ordered coordinates out of ConvexHullRegion

For graphing, my preferred approach is posted already by user21.

To get the ordered coordinates you can reorder MeshCoordinates[ConvexHullMesh[d] using FindCurvePath:

With[{d = RandomReal[{0, 1}, {20, 2}]}, mc=MeshCoordinates[ConvexHullMesh[d]];
ListPlot[ d, AspectRatio -> 1, Prolog -> {Yellow,Polygon[mc[[FindCurvePath[mc][[1]]]]]}]]

Mathematica graphics

An alternative way to get the ordering of the coordinates is to use the "BoundaryVertices" property of ConvexHullMesh[d]:



which is a rotated version of



And, the property "Coordinates" can be used instead of MeshCoordinates; so


gives the ordered coordinates.

d = RandomReal[{0, 1}, {20, 2}];
ListPlot[ d, AspectRatio -> 1, Prolog -> {Yellow,Polygon[chcoords]}]

Mathematica graphics

Yet another way to get the ordered coordinates is to get the "GraphicsComplex" property and extract


Assuming the goal is to create the graphics:

With[{d = RandomReal[{0, 1}, {20, 2}]},
 Show[ListPlot[d, AspectRatio -> 1], ConvexHullMesh[d]]]

enter image description here

And here is a more efficient version than FindPath:

With[{d = RandomReal[{0, 1}, {20, 2}]}, 
 ListPlot[d, AspectRatio -> 1, 
  Epilog -> 
      MeshCoordinates[#], {Opacity[0.2], MeshCells[#, {2, All}]}] &[

enter image description here

d = RandomReal[{0, 1}, {20, 2}];
hull = ConvexHullMesh[d];

The ordering can be obtained directly using MeshCells:

MeshCells[hull, 2]
(* {Polygon[{2, 6, 5, 4, 3, 1}]} *)


points = MeshCoordinates[hull];
order = MeshCells[hull, 2][[1, 1]];
Graphics[{Yellow, Polygon[points[[order]]], Black, Point[d]}]

enter image description here