getting string from pandas Series and DataFrames in python?

UPDATE: Not recommended as it truncates long text unless using pandas > 1.0 (not tested)

Not sure what versions of Pandas this works in, but its one other option:

d[d["name"] == "World"].to_string(index=False)

and if more than one row there are other options:

 max_rows      int, optional

Maximum number of rows to show before truncating. If None, show all.

 min_rows      int, optional

The number of rows to display in a truncated repr (when number of rows is above max_rows).

There's one method that no one mentioned that might be worth noting. This was a problem I was having where I was doing multiple criteria checks and getting back a single item Series (basically a unique row result). If you have a single item in a Series and just need that item OR know the index of the particular item you want to gather, just do this:

d[d["name"] == "World"].tolist()[0]

for the first (and only) item in a single item Series.

Or this:

d[d["name"] == "World"].tolist()[index]

where index is the index of the item you are looking for in the Series.

If you want it as a string, you may have to cast as a string if it is not already stringified by default.

As @DSM points out, in general there could be many rows with name 'World', so somewhere down the line we'll need to pick one.

One way to do this which seems kind of nice could be to use where (and then max):

In [11]: == 'World', np.nan)
0      NaN
1    World
Name: name, dtype: object

In [12]: == 'World', np.nan).max()
Out[12]: 'World'

Note: if there is no row with name 'World' this will return NaN.


