Getting URW-Garamond and the license

  1. It has a nosell license, and there are all types of licenses - The TeX Catalogue License Definitions. TeX distributions usually include only packages that fall in the category of Free software.
  2. There is no problem, you can install it wherever you want.

Installation instructions:

  1. Get all .afm and .pfb files from here - urw-garamond.
  2. Copy all .afm files to <root>/fonts/afm/urw/garamond, and all .pfb files to <root>/fonts/type1/urw/garamond, creating any missing folders in these paths. Where <root> is your local (recommended) or global TeX tree. In Linux local tree is called usually localtexmf, respectively texmf for the global tree. In Windows, MiKTeX has a default global tree as, for example C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9 (Windows XP, MiKTeX 2.9). There is no default local tree created. You can create one via the Settings GUI.
  3. In Linux issue the command texhash as root. In Windows, for MiKTeX issue the command initexmf --update-fndb. Or via the Settings GUI press the button Refresh FNDB.
  4. If not installed, install the package mathdesign via the respective package manager. It's available in both TeXLive and MiKTeX.
  5. In preamble add \usepackage[urw-garamond]{mathdesign} to use it.

Edit: Added installation instructions.

Edit: Fixed a typo: initexmf --update-fnbd -> initexmf --update-fndb

There is a script getnonfreefonts available that makes it easy to install a number of fonts including URW-Garamond. The directions are found at On my Ubuntu system with TeX Live, I was simply able to run the following in the terminal to download and install the script:

# download installation file and install script
sudo texlua install-getnonfreefonts

# optional: clean up the installation file
rm install-getnonfreefonts

This installed the script getnonfreefonts to /usr/local/bin and the corresponding documentation to /usr/local/share/man. On my system the shell looks for executables and documentation in these two locations so I was simply able to run the following:

sudo getnonfreefonts --sys -a

Running getnonfreefonts --sys -a downloaded all of the available fonts (of which URW_Garamond is one) and put them in the appropriate directories in my texmf tree. This took about a minute. After that, the downloaded fonts worked using the appropriate \usepackage directives!

Edit: as per a comment, use getnonfreefonts-sys rather than getnonfreefonts (edited above). See Why shouldn't I use getnonfreefonts to install additional fonts? Why shouldn't I use updmap when installing or removing fonts? for why.

Edit 2: it seems that for newer versions of getnonfreefonts there is no executable getnonfreefonts-sys and you should use the --sys option for getnonfreefonts instead.