Getting value of public static final field/property of a class in Java via reflection

First retrieve the field property of the class, then you can retrieve the value. If you know the type you can use one of the get methods with null (for static fields only, in fact with a static field the argument passed to the get method is ignored entirely). Otherwise you can use getType and write an appropriate switch as below:

Field f = R.class.getField("_1st");
Class<?> t = f.getType();
if(t == int.class){
}else if(t == double.class){


Exception handling is left as an exercise for the reader.

Basically you get the field like any other via reflection, but when you call the get method you pass in a null since there is no instance to act on.

This works for all static fields, regardless of their being final. If the field is not public, you need to call setAccessible(true) on it first, and of course the SecurityManager has to allow all of this.