gherkin background with examples

Example 1: background in cucumber

Background in Cucumber is used to define
a step or series of steps which are common 
to all the tests in the feature file.
It allows you to add some context to the 
scenarios for a feature where it is defined.
A Background is much like a scenario containing 
a number of steps. But it runs before 
each and every scenario where for a feature in which it is defined.

Example 2: scenario outline

Scenario Outline: Search functionality header verification
    When User searches "<searchValue>" in the wiki search page
    Then User should see "<expectedTitle>" in the wiki title
    Then User should see "<expectedMainHeader>" in the main header
    Then User should see "<expectedImageHeader>" in the image header
    Examples: example test data for wikipedia search
      | searchValue     | expectedTitle   | expectedMainHeader | expectedImageHeader |
      | Steve Jobs      | Steve Jobs      | Steve Jobs         | Steve Jobs          |
      | John Travolta   | John Travolta   | John Travolta      | John Travolta       |
      | Albert Einstein | Albert Einstein | Albert Einstein    | Albert Einstein     |
      | Keanu Reeves    | Keanu Reeves    | Keanu Reeves       | Keanu Reeves        |
      | Bruce Lee       | Bruce Lee       | Bruce Lee          | Bruce Lee           |
      | Dua Lipa        | Dua Lipa        | Dua Lipa           | Dua Lipa            |
      | Thomas Edison   | Thomas Edison   | Thomas Edison      | Thomas Edison       |
      | Sam Heughan     | Sam Heughan     | Sam Heughan        | Sam Heughan         |


Misc Example