giraffe titan attack on titan code example

Example: giraffe titan attack on titan


What if every titan shifters and former titan shifters owners who are mentionned represents a titan ? I mean, there are clues as :

- A dinosaur bites another one at the neck for a frame and then the next one shows Ymir's titan biting a titan's neck, as Ymir owns "Jaws" (this is the only name given for this titan at the moment) and the main weapon of a T-Rex are its jaws, few seconds later, we can see a T-Rex next to Zeke/Sieg.

- Eren is fighting Reiner which are respectively Offensive Titan and Armored Titan, before panthers (I guess) are attacking a Buffalo. And panthers are known for their aggressiveness as buffalos for their tough skin, also we can see at the very right of the animal group (from backwards) a tiger that could be related to the panthers, and an hippo in the middle-right that can also be related to the buffalo.

- (This one is pure guesssing) but the whale is the biggest animal alive, and it could be related to the Colossal Titan.

- We can also see a dromedary on the right, which is known for carrying things, and during the great fight, Zeke/Sieg will need Pieck, the "Cartman" who will carry the boulders Zeke will throw.

With all these things said, I hope you guys will like this theory and help me complete it if you also read the scans !


Misc Example