git add --patch with difftool

No, unfortunately.

I suppose I can see that working - Git generates a temporary file based on what's currently in the index, hands it to the difftool along with a copy of the current work tree version (to protect you from making further changes), lets you use the difftool to move some of the changes to the index version, then once you save and quit, stages whatever content is in that modified index version. Note that this would require the difftool to also be a bit of an editor, and not all valid difftools are; some of them are just for viewing diffs. Note also that this is basically bypassing all of git add -p. You wouldn't have any of the normal interface from it for moving between hunks, splitting hunks, and so on. The difftool would be entirely responsible for all of that.

If your difftool is fully-featured enough to do this sort of thing, then I suppose you could write a script to do it. An outline, without really any error protection, handling of special cases (binary files?), and completely untested:

tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
git diff --name-only |
while read file; do
    cp "$file" $tmpdir
    # this has your changes in it
    # this has the pristine version
    index_version=$(git checkout-index --temp "$file")
    # and now you bring changes from the work tree version into the index version,
    # within the difftool, and save the index version and quit when done
    my_difftool "$work_tree_version" "$index_version"

    # swap files around to run git add
    mv "$file" "$work_tree_version"
    mv "$index_version" "$file"
    git add "$file"
    mv "$work_tree_version" "$file"
    # you could also do this by calculating the diff and applying it directly to the index
    # git diff --no-index -- "$file" "$original_index_version" | git apply --cached

rm -r $tmpdir

Probably a lot of ways to improve that; sorry I don't have time to be careful and thorough with it right now.

Here's my script for this, which opens kdiff3 for you to perform a 2-file merge. If you don't like kdiff3, provide your own values for MERGETOOL and MERGECMD (but you'd be crazy not to like kdiff3).

To avoid surprises, this script tries to mimic git add -p as far as arguments and error codes. (It handles both lists of files and directories.)

Plus, it properly handles various corner cases, including:

  • The user tries to run the script in a non-git directory (abort with an error)
  • The user hits Ctrl+C before finishing (quit early)
  • The user declines to save the merge result within the difftool (then don't use it, but move on to the next file)
  • The difftool has an unexpected error (stop early)

Example usage:

$ ## With kdiff3 (default):
$ add-with-mergetool myfile1.txt
$ add-with-mergetool some-directory

$ ## ...or with custom mergetool:
$ export MERGETOOL='opendiff'
$ add-with-mergetool some-directory/*.py
# add-with-mergetool
# Author: Stuart Berg (
# This little script is like 'git add --patch', except that 
# it launches a merge-tool to perform the merge.

# TODO: For now, this script hard-codes MERGETOOL and MERGECMD for kdiff3.
#       Modify those variables for your own tool if you wish.
#       In the future, it would be nice if we could somehow read  
#       MERGETOOL and MERGECMD from the user's git-config.

# Configure for kdiff3
# (and hide warnings on about modalSession, from kdiff3 on OSX)
                    2>&1 | grep -iv modalSession}

main() {
    check_for_errors "$@"
    process_all "$@"

check_for_errors() {
    which "${MERGETOOL}" > /dev/null
    if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then
        echo "Error: Can't find mergetool: '${MERGETOOL}'" 1>&2
        exit 1

    if [[ "$1" == "-h" ]]; then
        echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [<pathspec>...]" 1>&2
        exit 0

    # Exit early if we're not in a git repo
    git status > /dev/null || exit $?

process_all() {
    repo_toplevel=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)

    # If no args given, add everything (like 'git add -p')
    if [[ $# == 0 ]]; then
        set -- "$repo_toplevel"

    # For each given file/directory...
    args=( "$@" )
    for arg in "${args[@]}"
        # Find the modified file(s)
        changed_files=( $(git diff --name-only -- "$arg") )
            # Switch to toplevel, to easily handle 'git diff' output
            cd "$repo_toplevel"

            # For each modified file...
            for f in "${changed_files[@]}"
                if [[ $startmsg_shown != "yes" ]]; then
                    echo "Starting $(basename $0).  Use Ctrl+C to stop early."
                    echo "To skip a file, quit ${MERGETOOL} without saving."

                # This is where the magic happens.            
                patch_file_and_add "$f"
        ) || exit $? # exit early if loop body failed

# This helper function launches the mergetool for a single file,
#  and then adds it to the git index (if the user saved the new file).
patch_file_and_add() {
    git show :"$f" > "$f.from_index" # Copy from the index
        set -e
        trap "echo && exit 130" INT # Ctrl+C should trigger abnormal exit

        # Execute 2-file merge
        echo "Launching ${MERGETOOL} for '$f'."
        eval "${MERGECMD}"

        if [[ -e "$f.to_add" ]]; then
            mv "$f" "$f.from_working" # Backup original from working-tree
            mv "$f.to_add" "$f"       # Replace with patched version
            git add "$f"              # Add to the index
            mv "$f.from_working" "$f" # Restore the working-tree version
    rm "$f.from_index" # Discard the old index version
    if [ $status == 130 ]; then
        echo "User interrupted." 1>&2
        exit $status
    elif [ $status != 0 ]; then
        echo "Error: Interactive add-patch stopped early!" 1>&2
        exit $status

main "$@"

