Git bash for Windows NOT prompting for password

For similar issues NOT specific to, you can try removing or updating the saved git password in windows credential manager. My system had my old password saved:

  1. Start
  2. Type: Credential Manager
  3. Double-Click the Windows Credential Manager shortcut
  4. Click on the "Windows Credentials" tab.
  5. Locate the credentials that you want removed, they will start with "git:" and might begin with "ada:"
  6. Click on the credential entry, it will open a details view of the entry.
  7. Click Remove to remove, or Edit to Update the password


Edit: Looks like you can't access google code successfully by putting the username in the URL (at least as of August 2011), see this: netrc not accepted by git

That said, this might work:

Taken from the URL shown above (you have to visit the site):

For Git repositories, you can add the following line to your .netrc file recording your password for each repository domain you have commit access to. Make sure you have set the permissions on .netrc so that only your user account can read it.

machine login [email protected] password mypasswordXXX123

Once you have the above item, it looks like in Git Bash you should be able to update your _netrc file like this:

echo "machine login [email protected] password mypasswordXXX123" > $HOME/_netrc