Git: Correct way to change Active Branch in a bare repository?

If you have access to the remote bare repo, this article suggests:

git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/mybranch

Which will update the HEAD file in your repository so that it contains:

ref: refs/heads/mybranch

as documented in the git-symbolic-ref

If you don't have access to the remote repo, see my previous answer.

Remember that a command like git remote set-head:

  • doesn't change the default branch of the remote repo.
    It only changes a remote tracking branch stored in your local repo as refs/remotes/<name>/HEAD

  • doesn't change HEAD itself (again, only refs/remotes/<name>/HEAD), hence the need for git symbolic-ref.

So git remote set-head is not the answer here.
git symbolic-ref HEAD is, if you have direct access to the remote repo.

At least at v.2.35.3, git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/otherbranch no longer results in a file refs/heads/otherbranch. Instead it is silently added to .packed-refs and if there are no commits, to HEAD.git symbolic-ref HEAD will report silently from all.

See git help pack-refs

To change the branch you need to change HEAD reference to the branch you want to use.

First list all the references in the bare repository by doing

$find ref

Then find the reference for your branch, the format will be as follows refs/heads/<my_branch>. So next step is to check current reference, just type:

$git symbolic-ref HEAD

so you know which is the current branch then update it as needed.

$git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/<my_branch>

That's it. Enjoy.

How to change the Active Branch properly ?

  • status: git checkout in the repo .git directory returns fatal: This operation must be run in a work tree

  • tips: just add the --work-tree argument

detailed example : assumptions: bare git on remote server:

~/bare_git_repository.git detached work tree: /var/www/myappremote

on local server: create branch version.1.7 (our otherbranch)

git branch version.1.7

git push origin version.1.7

on the remote server with git bare repo:

$ cd ~/bare_git_repository.git

$ git branch

  • master

As stated,following command

git checkout version.1.7


fatal: This operation must be run in a work tree

Using the following command

git --work-tree=/var/www/myappremote checkout version.1.7

successfully change the Active Branch propely

$ git branch


  • version.1.7

check the results with the following

ll /var/www/myappremote

hope it will help

