GIT Error:- expected committer email '' but found '[email protected]'

This worked for me

git config --global "Correct Name" 
git config --global [email protected] 
git commit --amend --reset-author

This work for me :
git config --global "Correct Name" 
git config --global [email protected] 
git commit --amend --reset-author
it will show the screen where you can edit the commit message, after edit or keep it as it is, then press escape and then :wq and hit enter
git push

This doesn't seem like a git limitation, but should be some kind of pre-receive hook on the remote side (the Git repository hosting service/server to which you are pushing to)

That hook seems to parse the commits and check the committer email against a specific criteria which rejects [email protected].
You should check with the remote side administrator to see what is going on.

The OP Karan Singla confirms in the comments it was an issue at the server side:

Issue got resolved. Admin re-created my account and it is working fine now.