Git interoperability with a Mercurial Repository

There's a new git-remote-hg that provides native support:

Bridge support in Git for Mercurial and Bazaar

Just copy git-remote-hg to your $PATH, make it executable, and that's it, no dependencies (other than Mercurial):

git clone hg::

You should be able to push and pull from it as if it was a native Git repository.

When you push new Git branches, Mercurial bookmarks will be created for them.

See the git-remote-hg wiki for more information.

You should be able to use hg-git.

hg clone <hg repository>

edit ~/.hgrc and add :

hgext.bookmarks =
hggit =

create a bookmark so you will have a master in git :

cd <repository>
hg bookmark -r default master

edit .hg/hgrc in the repository and add :

intree = true

now you can create the git repository :

hg gexport

and you can use the resulting directory as a git clone. pulling from mercurial would be :

hg pull
hg gexport

and pushing to mercurial :

hg gimport
hg push

(Yes, you need to use hg with this workflow but your hacking will be all in git)

P.S. If you have a problem with this workflow, please file a bug.