Git rebase branch with merged children

Note that you need a git1.7.6+ for git rebase --preserve-merges to work properly.

  • a rebase --preserve-merges --onto didn't work before ("git rebase --preserve-merges --onto doesn't preserve merges")
  • a rebase --preserve-merges had issue in some instance:
    • see this thread, when both sides of the merge are replayed)
    • "Git: Rebasing Merge Commits " (post from Alexandru Pasca)

Long story short: You just completed a merge and somebody has pushed a commit before you were able to push yours. The solution is to make git aware of the merge you did.

git rebase --preserve-merges <upstream>


git rebase -p <upstream>

But there's a problem, if your merge had conflicts that you solved they won't be picked up by the rebase machinery.
And you will end up resolving the conflicts again ... at least this is the case with git version

(That would call for git rerere)

Did you cherrypick every commit one by one by hand?

Just run git rebase -i master feature and rewrite the history as you please.