git request-pull: how to create a (github) pull request on the command line?

Github has developed hub:

hub is a command-line wrapper for git that makes you better at GitHub.

which allows you to do that using

hub pull-request

Note that, unlike git request pull, this is the same as a pull request done via the web interface.

Documentation for the hub pull-request command:

Even though they are called exactly the same thing, a GitHub pull request and a 'git request-pull' are completely different.

The git request-pull is for generating a summary of pending changes to be sent to a mailing list. It has no integration by default with GitHub.

The GitHub Pull Requests is a fully featured function of GitHub only. It allows for merging and integration of code from a different branch/fork. You can resolve merge conflicts, do code reviews, or add additional comments to a GitHub pull request.

Unfortunately the git command is named similarly to GitHub functionality which makes it sound like they should be doing the same thing.

With Github's new official CLI (command line interface):

gh pr create --base master --title "My first cli PR" --body "What did I do?"

See additional details and options and installation instructions.