`git tag` sorted in chronological order of the date of the commit pointed to

In git 2.3.3 I can just do this to get them sorted by date:

git tag --sort version:refname

PS: For the record, I also answered the same thing on a duplicate question

git tag | xargs -I@ git log --format=format:"%ai @%n" -1 @ | sort | awk '{print $4}'

Just tested with git 2.8.0:

git tag --sort=committerdate

For a full list of field names you can use, see https://git-scm.com/docs/git-for-each-ref#_field_names

For commit and tag objects, the special creatordate and creator fields will correspond to the appropriate date or name-email-date tuple from the committer or tagger fields depending on the object type. These are intended for working on a mix of annotated and lightweight tags.

Fields that have name-email-date tuple as its value (author, committer, and tagger) can be suffixed with name, email, and date to extract the named component.

For information, to get it in reverse order, prefix it with "-"

git tag --sort=-taggerdate


