Git Variables in Jenkins Workflow plugin
Depending on the SCM plugin you are using, the checkout
step may return additional information about the revision. This was resolved in JENKINS-26100. It was released in the 2.6 version of the workflow-scm-step
For example, using the Git plugin, you can do something like:
final scmVars = checkout(scm)
echo "scmVars: ${scmVars}"
echo "scmVars.GIT_COMMIT: ${scmVars.GIT_COMMIT}"
echo "scmVars.GIT_BRANCH: ${scmVars.GIT_BRANCH}"
This will vary depending on the plugin you use, so the original answer may work better for you.
Original Answer
With the 2.4 release of the Pipeline Nodes and Processes Plugin, you can simply do:
def gitCommit = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git rev-parse HEAD').trim()
This is what I'm doing, based on the example provided in the Jenkins examples repo:
node {
git url: ''
sh 'git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD > GIT_BRANCH'
git_branch = readFile('GIT_BRANCH').trim()
echo git_branch
sh 'git rev-parse HEAD > GIT_COMMIT'
git_commit = readFile('GIT_COMMIT').trim()
echo git_commit
Edit you can do this shorter via
git_commit = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git rev-parse HEAD").trim()
Depending on the information you need, there is a very straightforward solution: get the "checkout scm" operation return: it provides GIT_BRANCH, GIT_COMMIT, GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT, GIT_PREVIOUS_SUCCESSFUL_COMMIT and GIT_URL.
node {
stage ("Checkout") {
scmInfo = checkout scm
echo "scm : ${scmInfo}"
echo "${scmInfo.GIT_COMMIT}"
This will output:
[Pipeline] echo
scm : [GIT_BRANCH:my-branch, GIT_COMMIT:0123456789abcdefabcdef0123456789abcdef01, GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT:aaaabbbcccdddeeeefffe0123456789012345678, GIT_PREVIOUS_SUCCESSFUL_COMMIT:aaaabbbcccdddeeeefffe0123456789012345678, GIT_URL:]
[Pipeline] echo
More details here Jenkins Pipeline SCM Steps