Gitlab - Xcode Can't connect with remote repository

The user/password would only be needed for an http url, not an ssh one.

When using the http url to add a repo in your XCode Accounts, make sure there is no proxy which would prevent the resolution of the server.

If it is still not working, then, as in "Authentification issue when pushing Xcode project to GitHub", try to use an url like:

https://testuser:[email protected]/testuser/testproject.git

Even if the problems seems solved I've found this question when I had the problem using XCode 10. I tried logging in to GitHub and got the same error. The workaround described didn't fix my problem but I've found another solution on my own which I'd like to share – maybe it helps somebody ;)

My GitHub password included an 'ä' character (I'm German) and seems XCode and GitHub don't support the used encoding. After changing my password to something without an 'ä' it worked fine. Maybe it wasn't because of the 'ä' but it already helped to change the password - I don't know.

Thank you, but the reasons are Xcode seems a little crazy…


Xcode > Source Control > Test Project (master) > Configure Test Project…

I've just added my repository HTTP URL and credentials were not needed, and when I trying push/pull actions Xcode ask me for user/password.

Seems to be Repository in Preferences > Account doesn't work fine…