Given n pairs of parentheses, write a function to generate all combinations of well-formed parentheses of length 2*n. code example
Example: Given an integer A pairs of parentheses, write a function to generate all combinations of well-formed parentheses of length 2*A.
# Python3 program to
# Print all combinations
# of balanced parentheses
# Wrapper over _printParenthesis()
def printParenthesis(str, n):
if(n > 0):
_printParenthesis(str, 0,
n, 0, 0);
def _printParenthesis(str, pos, n,
open, close):
if(close == n):
for i in str:
print(i, end = "");
if(open > close):
str[pos] = '}';
_printParenthesis(str, pos + 1, n,
open, close + 1);
if(open < n):
str[pos] = '{';
_printParenthesis(str, pos + 1, n,
open + 1, close);
# Driver Code
n = 3;
str = [""] * 2 * n;
printParenthesis(str, n);