Glimpse Not working at all

After adding the Glimpse.AspNet NuGet package, I found that the ASP.NET Development Server was crashing on every request because Glimpse was throwing a NotSupportedException (I only found this after attaching a debuger to the dev server process). The exception's message said:

Some environments conflict with current Glimpse async support. Please set Glimpse:DisableAsyncSupport = true in Web.config, or see for more details.

After reading through the GitHub issue, I added this to the appSettings section of my web.config file to get everything working:

    <add key="Glimpse:DisableAsyncSupport" value="true" />

See: Glimpse Issue: Allow users to disable use of Logical Call Context #632

Just needed to set dynamicCompressionBeforeCache to false and it works:

<urlCompression doStaticCompression="true" doDynamicCompression="true" dynamicCompressionBeforeCache="false" />

