Glowing weighted graph (network): vertices and edges

You can get an overall glow effect by an ImageAdd with a blurred copy of the image mask. Admittedly it's a bit basic, but the effect is compelling. I chose to make a 'brain' network using AnatomyData and NearestNeighbourGraph to make it look like some over-hyped AI marketing thing:

brain = AnatomyData[Entity["AnatomicalStructure", "Brain"], "MeshRegion"];
boundary = RegionBoundary[brain];
nng = NearestNeighborGraph[RandomPoint[boundary, 1000], 7];
brainnetimg = Rasterize[
   GraphPlot3D[nng, ViewPoint -> Left, 
    VertexStyle -> Directive[AbsolutePointSize[7], White], 
    EdgeStyle -> Directive[AbsoluteThickness[2], White], 
    Background -> Black]
   , ImageSize -> 1000];
ImageAdd[ImageAdjust[Blur[Binarize@brainnetimg, 7], .1], 
  LinearGradientImage[{Blue, Cyan, Purple}, 


To get the weights to affect the size of the glow you'll probably need to use the EdgeShapeFunction and VertexShapeFunction. I created a billboard texture of a lens effect with alpha and I used this image for the vertices:


I also used the edge glow effect you mentioned in the question which stacks the lines. Edges with more weight should have more glow, and vertices with more weight will have a larger flare:

G = SpatialGraphDistribution[100, 0.20];
g = RandomGraph[G];
glowtexture = Import["lensbb.png"];
edgeWeights = RandomReal[1, EdgeCount[g]];
vertexWeights = RandomReal[1, VertexCount[g]];

edgeShapeFunc = 
  With[{weight = AnnotationValue[{g, #2}, EdgeWeight]}, 
    Table[{RGBColor[0.7, 1.0, 0.9], Opacity[1/k^1.3], 
      Thickness[.001 k*weight], CapForm["Round"], Line[#1]}, {k, 20}]] &;

vertexShapeFunc = 
  With[{weight = AnnotationValue[{g, #2}, VertexWeight]}, 
    Inset[glowtexture, #1, Center, weight*0.3]] &;

g = Graph[g, EdgeWeight -> edgeWeights, VertexWeight -> vertexWeights,
   VertexShapeFunction -> vertexShapeFunc, Background -> Black, 
  EdgeShapeFunction -> edgeShapeFunc, PlotRangePadding -> .1]


Rather than use the line stacking / opacity trick above to produce the glowing edges, you could also use textured polygons instead. This is faster but a disadvantage is when the edges become too thick the caps are visible and ugly:

g = Graph[UndirectedEdge @@@ {{1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 1}}];
edgeWeights = {1, 2, 3}/6.;
vertexWeights = {1, 2, 3}/6.;

glowtexture = Import["lensbb.png"];
edgegradimg = LinearGradientImage[{Transparent,Cyan,Transparent}, {64,64}];

edgeShapeFunc = 
  Module[{weight = AnnotationValue[{g, #2}, EdgeWeight], s = 1/10., 
     vec = #1[[2]] - #1[[1]], perp},
    perp = Cross[vec];
     }, VertexTextureCoordinates -> {{0,0},{1,0},{1,1},{0,1}}]
    }] &;

vertexShapeFunc = 
  With[{weight = AnnotationValue[{g, #2}, VertexWeight]}, 
    Inset[glowtexture, #1, Center, weight*3]] &;

g = Graph[g, EdgeWeight -> edgeWeights, VertexWeight -> vertexWeights,
   VertexShapeFunction -> vertexShapeFunc, Background -> Black, 
  EdgeShapeFunction -> edgeShapeFunc, PlotRangePadding -> .5]

glow 2

DistanceTransform gives us a distance map of the type that we need for glow.

First we define the light source:

bg = ConstantImage[White, 200];
line = HighlightImage[
  bg, {
   Line[{{50, 100}, {150, 100}}]

Mathematica graphics

Next, we compute the distance transform. We scale it such that 1 in the resulting image corresponds to the diagonal of the image.

glow = ColorNegate@Image[Divide[
     200 Sqrt[2]

Mathematica graphics

The number 0.2 controls how quickly the glow dies off.

Next, we can apply a color to the glow:

glow ConstantImage[Red, 200]

Mathematica graphics

And we can even apply color functions:

ImageApply[List @@ ColorData["AvocadoColors", #] &, glow]

Mathematica graphics

Creating a nice color function will be key to create a nice glow like the one in your example.

Creating a glowing graph is quite straight-forward using this technique. Every edge is a line and every vertex is a point or a disk. In the end, we can put them together into one image.

I'll leave it to the reader to create a robust function for this. I will just make a small example.

We'll use the Pappus graph for the example:

embedding = First@GraphData["PappusGraph", "Embeddings"];
coords = List @@@ GraphData["PappusGraph", "Edges"] /. Thread[
    Range[Length[embedding]] -> embedding

Mathematica graphics

Drawing it onto an image instead of in a graphics requires rescaling the coordinates:

toImageCoordinates[{x_, y_}] := {
  Rescale[x, {-1, 1}, {0, 200}],
  Rescale[y, {-1, 1}, {0, 200}]

primitives = Join[
   Point@*toImageCoordinates /@ embedding,
   Line@*toImageCoordinates /@ coords

This function will draw any primitive with a glow:

draw[primitive_, size_, glow_] := Module[{bg, img},
  bg = ConstantImage[White, 200];
  img = HighlightImage[bg, {
      size Sqrt[2]

draw[First@primitives, 200, 0.2]

Mathematica graphics

Now the plan is to map this function over all primitives.

images = draw[#, 200, 0.2] & /@ primitives;
ImageAdd @@ images // ImageAdjust

Mathematica graphics

It is obvious from this that edges and points can have different amounts of glow. Because of time constraints, I will not make the function that puts all this together into a "glowing graph" function, but I leave this here as a possible approach to solving this problem.