Go to My app's App Permission screen

No, there is no intent to go directly to the Permissions screen.

However, just as in previous versions of Android, you can point people to your application's detail setting page using code such as:

Intent intent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS,
    Uri.fromParts("package", getPackageName(), null));

This will allow them to only hit a single button (the Permissions button on that screen) before they can access permissions.

Note that as per the UX around asking for permissions, consider linking to the settings page only as a last resort and only in cases where the permission is necessary for your app to function at all - ideally, you should show a strong rationale when shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale() returns true (i.e., they've denied it once but have not hit 'never ask again') such that the second time the user sees a permission dialog they know exactly why you need that permission. This means that users hitting 'never ask again' should be considered a very strong signal that the user will not ever grant you that permission.