golang - How to check multipart.File information

To get the file size and MIME type:

// Size constants
const (
        MB = 1 << 20

type Sizer interface {
        Size() int64

func Sample(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
        if err := r.ParseMultipartForm(5 * MB); err != nil {
                return err

        // Limit upload size
        r.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, 5*MB) // 5 Mb

        file, multipartFileHeader, err := r.FormFile("file")

        // Create a buffer to store the header of the file in
        fileHeader := make([]byte, 512)

        // Copy the headers into the FileHeader buffer
        if _, err := file.Read(fileHeader); err != nil {
                return err

        // set position back to start.
        if _, err := file.Seek(0, 0); err != nil {
                return err

        log.Printf("Name: %#v\n", multipartFileHeader.Filename)
        log.Printf("Size: %#v\n", file.(Sizer).Size())
        log.Printf("MIME: %#v\n", http.DetectContentType(fileHeader))

Sample output:

2016/12/01 15:00:06 Name: "logo_35x30_black.png"
2016/12/01 15:00:06 Size: 18674
2016/12/01 15:00:06 MIME: "image/png"

The file name and MIME type can be obtained from the returned multipart.FileHeader.

Most further meta-data will depend on the file type. If it's an image, you should be able to use the DecodeConfig functions in the standard library, for PNG, JPEG and GIF, to obtain the dimensions (and color model).

There are many Go libraries available for other file types as well, which will have similar functions.

EDIT: There's a good example on the golang-nuts mail group.

You can get approximate information about the size of file from Content-Length header. This is not recommended, because this header can be changed.

A better way is to use ReadFrom method:

clientFile, handler, err := r.FormFile("file") // r is *http.Request
var buff bytes.Buffer
fileSize, err := buff.ReadFrom(clientFile)
fmt.Println(fileSize) // this will return you a file size.


File Upload
