Golang io.copy twice on the request body

I would suggest using an io.TeeReader if you want to push all reads from the blob through the sha1 concurrently.

bodyReader := io.TeeReader(body, hash)

Now as the bodyReader is consumed during upload, the hash is automatically updated.

You can't do that directly but you can write a wrapper that does the hashing on io.Copy

// this works for either a reader or writer, 
//  but if you use both in the same time the hash will be wrong.
type Hasher struct {
    Size uint64

func (h *Hasher) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
    n, err = h.Writer.Write(p)
    h.Size += uint64(n)

func (h *Hasher) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
    n, err = h.Reader.Read(p)
    h.Hash.Write(p[:n]) //on error n is gonna be 0 so this is still safe.

func (h *Hasher) Sum() string {
    return hex.EncodeToString(h.Hash.Sum(nil))

func (h *UploadHandle) Read() (io.Reader, string, int64, error) {
    var b bytes.Buffer

    hashedReader := &Hasher{Reader: h.Contents, Hash: sha1.New()}
    n, err := io.Copy(&b, hashedReader)

    if err != nil {
        return nil, "", 0, err

    return &b, hashedReader.Sum(), n, nil

// updated version based on @Dustin's comment since I complete forgot io.TeeReader existed.

func (h *UploadHandle) Read() (io.Reader, string, int64, error) {
    var b bytes.Buffer

    hash := sha1.New()
    n, err := io.Copy(&b, io.TeeReader(h.Contents, hash))

    if err != nil {
        return nil, "", 0, err

    return &b, hex.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil)), n, nil

You have two options.

The most direct way is to use io.MultiWriter.

But if you need the hash to produce the multipart output, then you will have to copy to a bytes.Buffer and then write the buffer back to each writer.



