Good introduction to the .NET Reactive Framework

UPDATE: The blog posts below have been superseded by my online book It is a comprehensive 19 chapter book available for free. You can browse it on the web, or download the mobi version for your kindle. You can also get it direct from Amazon for a tiny fee (~99c / 77p). If the book doesn't meet your needs or expectations, let me (the Author) know and we will do better for v2.

Thanks for the link to the Hot/Cold post. This is only one part of the full series,

  1. Introduction to Rx
  2. Static and extension methods
  3. Lifetime management – Completing and Unsubscribing
  4. Flow control
  5. Combining multiple IObservable streams
  6. Scheduling and threading
  7. Hot and Cold observables
  8. Testing Rx
  9. Buffer, Window, Join and Group Join

I will keep updating this blog with more Rx introductory stuff.

For more advanced stuff you want to go to the Rx Forum (MSDN).

Here's a wiki site with lots of code examples demonstrating how to use different features of the .NET Rx framework:

I found this to be the most comprehensive site out there, and the one that's quickest to get started with.