Google Chart title and column name with special characters

I think this will help you.Using UNICODE you can add special characters to the title. The UNICODE for the special characters is available here.You need to use UNICODE as below.

var options = {
                'title': 'Transa\u00E7oes',
                'backgroundColor': 'transparent',
                'height': '300',
                'legend': 'bottom',
                'vAxis': { viewWindowMode: "explicit", viewWindow: { min: 0} }


Click here to see the working sample.

if you are using jQuery, you can take advantage of the html() function

var options = {
   title: $('<div>Transa&ccedil;oes</div>').html()

enter image description here

Edit : Dont know why google charts is not able to parse a string with special HTML characters, or why there is not an option for declaring the title as HTML - even <em> and so on is rendered as text, but the above works.