Google Cloud Build deploy to GKE Private Cluster

Updated answer (02/22/2021)

Unfortunately, while the below method works, IAP tunnels suffer from rate-limiting, it seems. If there are a lot of resources deployed via kubectl, then the tunnel times out after a while. I had to use another trick, which is to dynamically whitelist Cloud Build IP address via Terraform, and then to apply directly, which works every time.

Original answer

It is also possible to create an IAP tunnel inside a Cloud Build step:

- id: kubectl-proxy
  entrypoint: sh
  - -c
  - docker run -d --net cloudbuild --name kubectl-proxy compute start-iap-tunnel
      bastion-instance 8080 --local-host-port --zone us-east1-b &&
    sleep 5

This step starts a background Docker container named kubectl-proxy in cloudbuild network, which is used by all of the other Cloud Build steps. The Docker container establishes an IAP tunnel using Cloud Build Service Account identity. The tunnel connects to a GCE instance with a SOCKS or an HTTPS proxy pre-installed on it (an exercise left to the reader).

Inside subsequent steps, you can then access the cluster simply as

- id: setup-k8s
  entrypoint: sh
  - -c
  - HTTPS_PROXY=socks5://kubectl-proxy:8080 kubectl apply -f config.yml

The main advantages of this approach compared to the others suggested above:

  • No need to have a "bastion" host with a public IP - kubectl-proxy host can be entirely private, thus maintaining the privacy of the cluster
  • Tunnel connection relies on default Google credentials available to Cloud Build, and as such there's no need to store/pass any long-term credentials like an SSH key

We ended up doing the following:

1) Remove the deployment step from cloudbuild.yaml

2) Install Keel inside the private cluster and give it pub/sub editor privileges in the cloud builder / registry project

Keel will monitor changes in images and deploy them automatically based on your settings.

This has worked out great as now we get pushed sha hashed image updates, without adding vms or doing any kind of bastion/ssh host.

It's currently not possible to add Cloud Build machines to a VPC. Similarly, Cloud Build does not announce IP ranges of the build machines. So you can't do this today without creating a "ssh bastion instance" or a "proxy instance" on GCE within that VPC.

I suspect this would change soon. GCB existed before GKE private clusters and private clusters are still a beta feature.