Google Maps API Key in release build doesn't work

My Map in release mode was showing but after I publish to Play Store it was not showing.

I had mentioned both debug and release certificate SHA-1 Key to Google Developer Console but map in release mode after downloading app from play store was still not showing.

Here' what was problem: Google Play App Signing is enabled for this app

Goto Release Management -> App Signing -> and copy the SHA-1 certificate fingerprint from App signing certificate

Paste this newly copied SHA-1 fingerprint to Developer Console and map in release mode will show.

I had this same problem, it was super frustrating. What I ended up doing was taking the key I made using my release keystore and putting it in the google developers console. Then, added the following into the android manifest.

        android:value="KEY GOES HERE"/>

I'm sure you read the documentation on this, but make sure you follow the instructions for the release certificate to the dot.

You could also follow the link that was generated for you in the google_maps_api.xml file. This automates the process of entering the key into the developer console. However, make sure you still add that meta data value into your manifest.

The file google_maps_api.xml has to be under res/debug/ and res/release. The editor only shows your current run configuration which is debug by default and is a bit misleading if you do not observe the (debug) note after the folder name. Copy the google_maps_api.xml into both folder and edit make sure they have the correct API keys ofr each build.