Google Maps V3 API Key Invalid - but my personal dev key works

You are missing the v=3 before your key={yourkey}

Like this:{your key}&sensor=false

I was able to resolve this issue by simply generating a new browser key. I generated, threw it in the browser, the map loaded. Then I went in and copied my referrers over from the previous key. Saved. Refreshed. And it still worked. I honestly think it was a bug on Google's end and the day we were generating the original keys it was spitting out invalid keys.

I think you must check the referrers. The given example on the API console site is:

Example: **. *One URL or pattern per line.*

Try to include the full referrer names without using wildcards. The wildcard usage seems a bit strange. More people struggle with that, see this post. You can find a description of the possible whitelist configuration on the Google APIs Console Help page.

(You mentioned that your personal key has the same referrers as your company key. I wonder if this is possible as you could use different keys for the same app in this case.)

Actually you want the Google Maps JavaScript API to be enabled instead of Google Maps API v3 because the former is what you are actually using here. The latter is now divided into iOS and Android BTW.

Also you need to add your reference into your server key.

If it is local, it should be something like:
