Google Play App Signing - KeyHash Mismatch

I had the same issue and it appears that as you say, the Google Play Store re-signs your apk with a new key, and this what you must provide to Facebook as the key hash (not the one generated using keytool).

The second half of this answer is useful.

Basically you need to provide Facebook with the hash based on the SHA-1 App signing certificate Google generated, instead of using keytool and your local key (which it seems is now just used for uploading to Google).

You have to use the SHA-1 key generated by Google. Following steps would fix it.

1). Go to Google console => your project => Setup => App Integrity => App signing key certificate.

2). Copy SHA-1 certificate from there and as it's in hexadecimal and since Facebook needs it in base64 so use the command shown in step 3

3).echo SHA-1 key from step-2 (Hexadecimal) | xxd -r -p | openssl base64
This command won't work in command prompt use bash on windows or git cli.

4). Paste the base64 key in Facebook console => Settings => basic => key hashes

Most of the answers above are correct but instead of running hash command there is a great tool for that, so i will re-state the steps using @neeraj's answer as the base answer:

Step 3 is the only changed item

You have to use the SHA-1 key generated by Google. Following steps would fix it.

1). Go to Google console => Release Management => App signing => App signing certificate.

2). Copy SHA-1 certificate from there and as it's in hexadecimal and since Facebook needs it in base64 so use the online tool shown in step 3

3). go to to convert hexadecimal to base64

4). Paste the base64 key in Facebook console => Settings => basic => key hashes

You can convert SHA-1 hash in hex format (as found in Play console) into base64 hash using next command (on maybe Git Bash):

echo 33:4E:48:84:19:50:3A:1F:63:A6:0F:F6:A1:C2:31:E5:01:38:55:2E | xxd -r -p | openssl base64



This hash can be used for example when setting up Facebook app. Answer Source