Google Play Console: How to promote Android app from Alpha to Beta

I have tried to use this option weeks ago. but I didn't find it, I have made some research about this and it sounds to be removed. to create beta release just go to the beta version and click on create a beta release and click choose from the library, choose the APK in the alpha channel then publish it

I've solved the issue for one of our apps. It seems that Google limited the process so you can't move an app from the closed alpha track to the closed beta track (or any other closed track). This is probably due to the fact that Google wants to promote open beta testing. Once I changed my closed beta track to an open beta track the button reappeared.

Note that once you set the track to open you can't change it back to closed, so you'll have to be sure that this is what you want.

To move the beta track from closed to open:

  1. click on the manage button next to the beta track.
  2. open up the manage testers panel.
  3. select the open beta testing option next to choose a testing method

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