gpg cannot unlock passphrase-less key: "gpg: public key decryption failed: No passphrase given"
I solved this by using an older system which had the key.
- I set a new passphrase on the old system where empty-passphrase input works.
- Export old system private key and copy it over new system
- Clean gpg state of new system (move .gnupg to .gnupg.bak)
- Import the non-empty passphrase private key
Here are the commands I ran:
# put a non-empty passphrase on current key
me@old$ gpg --passwd [email protected]
(leave empty on first prompt)
(put a new non-empty passphrase on 2nd)
(confirm new passphrase)
# now we export it
me@old$ gpg --list-secret-keys
sec 4096R/AAAAAAAA 2015-01-01
uid Foo Bar <[email protected]>
uid Bar Foo <[email protected]>
ssb 4096R/BBBBBBBB 2015-01-01
# I've used the first key id (should be 8 hex digits)
me@old$ gpg --export-secret-keys AAAAAAAA > priv.key
# copy key over new system
# backup .gnupg dir just in case
me@new$ mv .gnupg .gnupg.back
# import new priv key
me@new$ gpg --import priv.key
(type new passphrase set previously)
# done!
For completeness sake here are the software versions of both systems, maybe that can help someone:
New system (cannot input empty passphrase) software version:
- gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.5
- libgcrypt 1.8.2
- pinentry-curses (pinentry) 1.1.0
Old system (can input empty passphrase) software version:
- gpg (GnuPG) 2.0.24
- libgcrypt 1.6.1
- pinentry-curses (pinentry) 0.8.3