Grabbing the first [x] characters for a string from a pipe
One way is to use cut
command | cut -c1-8
This will give you the first 8 characters of each line of output. Since cut
is part of POSIX, it is likely to be on most Unices.
These are some other ways to get only first 8 characters.
command | head -c8
command | awk '{print substr($0,1,8);exit}'
command | sed 's/^\(........\).*/\1/;q'
And if you have bash
echo ${var:0:8}
Another one liner solution by using parameter expansion
echo ${word:0:x}
EG: word="Hello world"
echo ${word:0:3} or echo ${word::3}
o/p: Hel
EG.2: word="Hello world"
echo ${word:1:3}
o/p: ell