Gradle: adding assets folder dynamically

You might be overthinking the work required. Just create the productFlavor then define the flavor's assets.srcDirs. Now we can sit back and let Android's gradle plugin do all the work.

android {
    productFlavors {
        blah {}
        more {}
    sourceSets {
        blah {
            assets.srcDirs = files(getFlavorConfig(
        more {
            assets.srcDirs = files(getFlavorConfig(

// simplified method for example
def getFlavorConfig(String str) {
    return ["$projectDir.absolutePath/src/extensions/assets/first", "$projectDir.absolutePath/src/extensions/assets/second"];

After the build our files will be where we expect:

$ ls app/build/intermediates/assets/blah/debug/
hello.txt world.txt

$ ls app/build/intermediates/assets/more/debug/
hello.txt world.txt

$ ls app/build/intermediates/assets/blah/release/
hello.txt world.txt

$ ls app/build/intermediates/assets/more/release/
hello.txt world.txt

I ended up using one flavour at a build time and used the following line:

android.sourceSets.main.assets.srcDirs += ['src/extensions/assets/'+it]