Gradle Script Kotlin and dependencyManagement

Totally not tested, but I believe it should be something like this:

import io.spring.gradle.dependencymanagement.DependencyManagementExtension
import io.spring.gradle.dependencymanagement.ImportsHandler

configure<DependencyManagementExtension> {
    imports(delegateClosureOf<ImportsHandler> {

If you haven't seen it, you should be familiar with gradle script kotlin's project extensions and groovy interop functions. You really have to dig into the source of the groovy plugin you're configuring to see how it expects to use the closure. The examples in the gradle script kotlin project are also a good guide.

Edit 19 Dec 2016

The latest version of the dependency management plugin is now more gradle script kotlin friendly and will allow the following:

configure<DependencyManagementExtension> {
    imports {

It could still benefit from some Kotlin extension functions to remove the need for it (using a receiver instead), but definitely an improvement!

Edit 3 Nov 2017

It now works without the it, like so:

configure<DependencyManagementExtension> {
    imports {

Using latest io.spring.dependency-management:1.0.6.RELEASE below simpler snippet also works.

plugins {
    id("io.spring.dependency-management") version "1.0.6.RELEASE"

dependencyManagement {
    val springCloudVersion = "Finchley.SR2"
    imports {

Gradle supports importing BOM files in the dependency block in both the Groovy and Kotlin DSLs through the platform feature. platform can be used in a few ways, but you will usually see it used as a way to control the versions of transitive dependencies similar to a dependency with <scope>import</scope> in Maven.

The translation of the provided code block would be:

# Kotlin DSL
dependencies {
    // wrap the BOM coordinates with the "platform" keyword
    implementation platform("")

    // declare other dependencies

Gradle can go a step further to not only suggest the versions of transitive dependencies, but enforce versions as well through enforcedPlatform.

dependencies {
   implementation enforcedPlatform("")
